Friday, May 23, 2008


I am sitting here watching the rain come down and am so thankful for the moisture. It has been so dry here in Cut Bank and this wonderful rain is so welcome. In the last two days we have received approximately 2 inches of moisture. This may not sound like much, but until this rain we have only had about a quarter of an inch of moisture since Jan. 1st. So as you can imagine, the farmers in the area are grinning from ear to ear.

I know my youngest daughter, Rose, is loving this weather. She loved the rain when we were in Seattle. She would go for walks in the rain and just be soaking wet when she got back, but enjoyed every minute of her walk. Most people would complain about the weather, but Rose thought it was great. I think she is going to be a Seattle girl when she gets older.

School is winding down here and the girls can't wait for summer vacation. They are really excited about going out to Seattle in June to see Marcy, Travis, and the boys. We love Montana, but it is too far away from Marcy's crew. I would love to be able to run over to the house and pick up Gavin and go for an outing for just the two of us.

Also, I might add that the moisture also makes me happy as a car salesman. When the farmers are happy and the crops are growing, they are more willing to buy that new vehicle. With the ever increasing fuel prices it makes it harder and harder to get people interested in new vehicles, especially the diesel trucks. We do have those that are looking to get out of their gas hog and into something that gets better fuel economy. I guess I need to be patient, and the Lord will take care of everything.

God Bless,

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